Vertido accidental de aguas residuales en Mountaire de Millsboro

Accidental wastewater at Mountaire-Millsboro


Entre 750,000 y 1 millón de galones de agua residuales parcialmente tratadas fueron vertidas a la superficie del suelo en Mountaire de Millsboro.

Mountaire dice que fue una falla mecánica de un componente del sistema de aguas residuales y que fue contenida in situ, sin descarga en el cercano Swann Creek.

DNREC ha ordenado a Mountaire Farms que tome todas las medidas para minimizar cualquier impacto adverso.

Mountaire ha asegurado que la limpieza se inició tan pronto como el sistema de alarma notificó la falla. La parte del sistema de aguas residuales que causó la liberación comenzó a funcionar a fines de enero y está diseñada para reducir los niveles de nutrientes en las aguas residuales que se rocían en la tierra donde se produjo la liberación.

“No hay absolutamente ningún riesgo para nuestros empleados, para el público o para el medio ambiente como resultado de este lanzamiento. La limpieza debe completarse esta noche y la operación de reciclaje se reanudará mañana “.


(English version)
The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) was notified today about an accidental release of partially treated wastewater at Mountaire Farms of Delaware’s poultry processing facility in Millsboro.

Mountaire Farms reported that the release was discovered at about 5 a.m. and resulted in the discharge of between 750,000 and 1 million gallons of partially treated wastewater to the ground surface at the Millsboro facility. The release, reported by Mountaire as having been caused by mechanical failure of a wastewater system component, was contained onsite, with no discharge to nearby Swann Creek.

DNREC has directed Mountaire Farms to take all appropriate steps to mitigate this release and minimize any adverse impacts to the environment. Mountaire’s cleanup efforts are under way. DNREC will continue to investigate this incident while monitoring the company’s cleanup.

Mountaire was requested by one of HOY en Delaware reporters in reference to the wastewater and this the official statement of the company:

“Our Millsboro wastewater treatment facility experienced a mechanical failure early this morning causing treated wastewater to be released onto our property. Importantly, no water left our facility or reached Swan Creek. Cleanup began as soon as our alarm system notified our team of the malfunction. The portion of our wastewater system that caused the release just went into operation in late January, and is designed to reduce nutrient levels in the wastewater that is sprayed on the land where the release occurred.

There is absolutely no risk to our employees, to the public, or to the environment as a result of this release. Cleanup should be completed by this evening and the recycling operation will resume tomorrow”.