American Cancer Society Offers Telephone Workshops for Family, Caregivers and Friends

Free program provides information and support for those affected by a loved one's cancer diagnosis


February 3, 2010 — Finding out a loved one has cancer can be one of the most difficult things a person will ever have to experience, but caregivers who offer friendship, love and support to the family member or friend diagnosed with the disease do not have to go through the experience alone. Beginning next month, the American Cancer Society launches a series of telephone workshops for family, caregivers and friends to learn about information and support related to caring for a loved one with cancer.

Workshops include tips and practical problem solving techniques, as well as time for questions and discussion. Participation is free to residents throughout Delaware, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia and the District of Columbia. No phone charges apply.

Upcoming workshop topics include:

Helping a person with cancer with their emotional needs:

Monday, February 8 (2:00-3:15 PM EST) and Wednesday, February 17 (7:00-8:15 PM EST)

Finding nursing care or companions at home:

Wednesday, March 3 (2:00-3:15 PM EST) and Monday, March 8 (7:00-8:15 PM EST)

“Caring for someone with cancer can be hard. Finding help shouldn’t be,” said Patricia P. Hoge, RN, PhD, executive vice president of mission delivery and medical affairs for the American Cancer Society’s South Atlantic Division. “Working together with caregivers can help loved ones get well and provide the support family and friends need through every step of their cancer experience.”

Telephone workshops are led by Julia A. Bucher, RN, PhD, an associate professor in the Department of Nursing at York College in Pennsylvania. Bucher is a caregiver herself and co-editor of the American Cancer Society’s Complete Guide to Cancer Caregiving.

To register for the telephone workshops, contact the American Cancer Society at (800) 966-3586 or visit

To learn more about programs and services available in your community for you and your loved one, contact the American Cancer Society anytime at (800) 227-2345 or visit