Bring your green to work

Learn how you can make many of the same green choices at work as you make at home to save energy and fight global warming with help from EPA's ENERGY STAR program


Energy Star is a US Environmental Protection Agency program helping businesses and individuals fight global warming through superior energy efficiency.

People from Energy Star suggest…

1- Give it a rest.

Use the ENERGY STAR power management settings on your comuter and monitor so the go into power save mode when not in use. Also use a power strip as a central “turn off” point when you are using equipment to completely disconnect the power supply.

2-Unplug it.

Unplug electronics such as cell phones and laptops once they are charged. Adapters plugged into outlets use energy even if they are not charging.

3-Light up your work life.

Replace the light bulb in your desk lamp with an ENERGY STAR qualified bulb. It will last up to 10 times longer and use about 75 percent less energy. Turn off the lights when you leave, especially at the end of the day.

4-Let it flow

Keep air vents clear of paper, files, and office supplies. It takes as much as 25 percent more energy to pump air into the workspace if the vents are blocked.

5-Team up

Create a green team with your co-workers, help build support for energy efficiency in your workplace, and reduce office waste. Set a goal to make your building an ENERGY STAR qualified building.