Hoy en Delaware News

Delaware Civil Rights Coalition

The Delaware Civil Rights Coalition (DCRC) is a united response of long-established civil rights organizations, religious groups, civic groups and service providers of Delaware who have come together to counter with one voice the growing threat of discrimination and hate in the Nation and Delaware.  The DCRC beliefs that when racist, misogynistic, anti-Semitic, xenophobic, homophobic or similar statements are made by public figures, responsible citizenship requires us to name that for what it is, and proactively have in place a countervailing civic network that stands transparent and accountable to represent America’s values against fake news, hate speech and malevolent, but faceless and secretive, diatribes. This Coalition will exist as long as necessary to fight against policies and events that are perceived as threatening the civil and human rights of residents of Delaware. For those so targeted we have united in one voice to say, you are not alone; you are America.

Beginning at 12:30 pm, two dozen Delawareans on the front lines of this potential conflict will be at the Press Conference to explain with printed statements and available for one-on-one interviews. A half dozen of them will offer prepared remarks from the stage.

As our first action, the Coalition will present a Know Your Rights Workshop conducted by ACLU of Delaware. The workshop will inform organization leaders about their rights, examine issues of unconstitutionality that the country may face with the new administration’s proposals, examine the most pressing local Delaware issues, and discuss plans of action.

The DCRC rejects the dark, cynical mindset that attacks women, the disabled, Muslims, African Americans, Jews, Latinos and the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) community for self-advancement. This mindset has the effect of making people feel frightened, disrespected and second-class citizens — not fully entitled to equal protection of law and basic human dignity.  This attitude should never be acceptable and never be normalized. This should never happen in this country, which has prided itself on its commitment to the principles of inclusion, acceptance, love and compassion.  The Coalition is here to uphold the respect and dignity of every member of the Delaware community regardless of color, ethnicity, ability, religion, sexual orientation or any other human characteristic. In America, we all belong.

The vision of the DCRC is a welcoming, safe and inclusive Delaware. The mission is to uphold and protect the civil and human rights of communities in Delaware. The purpose is to work together constructively and effectively to address any challenge that would threaten the lives of communities in Delaware.  Laws exist to protect people and communities to establish a sense of safety and inclusiveness. We are sending the message today that Delaware will remain safe and inclusive for all its residents.

Initial list in alphabetical order (in formation) of members: American Civil Liberty Union of Delaware; Carla Guerrón Montero, PhD, Associate Professor of Anthropology in Latin American, Women and Gender Studies and Black American Studies, UDEL; CAMP Rehoboth, Inc.; Community Voice Coalition; Delaware Alliance for Community Advancement; Delaware Hispanic Commission; Delaware Human Relations Commission; Delaware Pacem In Terris; Delaware Racial Justice Collaborative; Delaware YWCA; Frankford Public Library; First and Central Presbyterian Church; Jewish Family Services of Delaware (Refugee Resettlement Program & Youth and Family Support); La Esperanza; Latin American Community Center; Latino Initiative on Restorative Justice; League of Women Voters of Sussex County;  Lenape Indian Tribe of Delaware; Leslie Ledogar, 2016 candidate for  Sussex Council District 3; Louise Henry, First Vice-President NAACP; NAACP Delaware State Conference; New Castle Presbytery;  Senator Bryan Townsend; Social & Environmental Justice Committee–Unitarian Universalists of Southern Delaware; Parents, Families, Friends and Allies United with LGBTQ (PFLAG); Southern Delaware Alliance for Racial Justice; Sussex Unity Immigration Committee.

Photo cover: HOY en Delaware

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