DUI enforcement set for Super Bowl Sunday

“Fans don’t let fans drive drunk”


Super Bowl a.k.a. “Harbowl” will be one of the biggest sporting events in 2013. While, many will be watching the game to see which coach Harbaugh can bring home the trophy, Delaware law enforcement officers will be watching the roads ensuring impaired drivers don’t ruin your Super Bowl celebrations.

Sunday night of the big game, the New Castle County DUI Task Force will be conducting a DUI checkpoint in Newark while the Delaware State Police and ten (10) other local law enforcement agencies will be conducting statewide DUI saturation patrols. In 2012 there were thirty-six (36) individuals arrested for DUI and nine (9) alcohol related crashes on Super Bowl Sunday statewide.

Penalties for a first time DUI conviction include loss of your license, possible jail time up to 6 months, fines up to $1,500, and mandatory participation in an alcohol education and/or treatment program. The approximate cost for a first time DUI including court, DMV, treatment and legal fees is $3,400.00. Subsequent DUI convictions include mandatory jail time and higher fines.

OHS offers the following tips to help you have a safe Super Bowl weekend. If you’re going out to a bar or party, designate a sober driver before the party begins and give that person your car keys. Once out, if you’ve been drinking alcohol, don’t even think about getting behind the wheel. Ask a sober friend for a ride home. Call a cab, friend or family member to come and get you, or stay where you are until you are sober. Finally, remember, Fans Don’t Let Fans Drive Drunk. Take the keys and never let a friend leave your sight if you think they are about to drive while impaired.

If you are hosting a Super Bowl party, serve lots of high protein food and be sure to include lots of non-alcoholic beverages. Stop serving alcohol at the end of the third quarter of the game – and begin serving coffee and dessert. Be sure all of your guests designate their drivers in advance, or help arrange ride-sharing with sober drivers. Keep the numbers for local cab companies handy, and take the keys away from anyone who is thinking of driving while impaired.