Hoy en Delaware News

Family Cookie Decorating at Museum Celebrates Rehoboth Beach History

Rehoboth Beach, DE – Did you know that the train used to run right down the center of Rehoboth Avenue and there was a train station near the boardwalk? That is how the mail was delivered, the local movie was brought to town and friends and family used to travel to Rehoboth Beach in the late 1800s.

And did you know that in the late 1800s, before there was electricity and air conditioning, ladies used to carry fans with them to help them cool off during the hot summer months at the beach? Did you know that the layout on the original map of Rehoboth Beach was shaped like a fan?

The Rehoboth Beach Museum is offering special family day activities and discounts on Saturday, December 19 and Sunday, December 20 to help share the City’s rich history with residents and visitors to our town. Children can visit the museum with their families to decorate a cookie and an ornament in the shape of a Victorian ladies’ fan or a train engine to take home. Cookies, decorations and paints will be provided. Families can visit the museum for a special rate of $3 per family and tour the exhibits and decorate a treat. Families can see the great vintage sand pail exhibit, too.

The Rehoboth Beach Museum is located at 511 Rehoboth Avenue near the Chamber of Commerce Visitor’s Center. Please call 227-7310 for information or directions.

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