Hoy en Delaware News

History of Forestry in Delaware to be Discussed April 11 at the Lewes Public Library

Bob Tjaden, Professor and Extension Specialist Emeritus from the Department of Environmental Science and Technology at the University of Maryland, will present a discussion of his new book “Beneath the Canopy: A Historical View of Forestry in Delaware” at the Lewes Public Library on Monday, April 11 at 5:00 PM, hosted by the library and Browseabout Books.

From the famed holly wreaths of Milton to the bushel basket industry of Laurel, Delaware’s forests have provided valuable materials for the production of many items throughout history, including ship building, paper making, charcoal production. shingle manufacturing, gunpowder, pulp, wood, and lumber. Tjaden will discuss the economic importance of Delaware’s forests, as well as the Delaware Federation of Women’s Clubs’ efforts to establish the Forestry Department in 1927and the protection and management policies that were implemented as a result. Tjaden will also highlight the critical role of the Forestry Department and Delaware’s wood products during WWII.

Registration is available by calling the library at 302-645-2733 or visiting the library’s website: lewes.lib.de.us.

Copies of “Beneath the Canopy” will be available for purchase at the event, as well as at local independent bookstore Browseabout Books. Each copy purchased will be signed by the author.

Bob Tjaden is a native Delawarean and has worked for the University of Maryland, College Park for over 32 years, specializing in natural resource management, policy, and conservation. Like his co-author, the late Walt Gabel, Tjaden served as a State Forester in the Delaware Forest Service. Tjaden holds a bachelor’s degree in forest and wildlife management, a master’s degree in forest economics, and a Ph.D. in environmental & natural resource policy.

The Lewes Public Library anticipates the needs of the community and adapts, creates and supports classes and programs for all ages that encourage a love of reading, exploration and discovery. It provides access for a wide variety of educational, informational and recreational materials to all members of the community through traditional resources and emerging technologies. For additional information, visit lewes.lib.de.us

Browseabout Books is an independent bookstore located in Rehoboth Beach known not only for books, but also a fantastic selection of toys, stationery, and unique gifts. Founded by the Crane family in 1975, Browseabout has expanded and reinvented itself many times while evolving into one of the nation’s top independent bookstores. For additional information, visit browseaboutbooks.com


Beneath the Canopy book cover

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