Hoy con Census – Zaida Guajardo with La Esperanza supporting Census 2010


Zaida Guajardo answered the questions that Hoy en Delaware made her some days ago to help in Census 2010 Campaign

1- Zaida, we know that La Esperanza is making a big effort to outreach the Census 2010 information between the Hispanic Community, please, could you explain to our readers in which consists La Esperanza activities on, how can you coordinate all of them and how does La Esperanza cooperate with Census 2010?

La Esperanza’s efforts to reach out to the Hispanic community in Sussex County consist of the following:

a) Create awareness and an understanding of the importance for EVERYONE to be counted by participating in completing the Census survey.

b) Encourage employees and constituents to complete and mail their questionnaire

c) Display and/or distribute 2010 Census promotional and educational material

d) Provide space to test job applicants

e) Provide space to train new employees

f) Provide space for “Be Counted” sites and/or Questionnaire Assistance Centers

g) Host a series of informational events at La Esperanza “to get the word out” to our community and answer any questions/concerns they may have.

2- Why did La Esperanza decide to collaborate with Census 2010?

La Esperanza is collaborating with Census 2010 because 1) it’s our responsibility as the leading not for profit agency serving the Hispanic community in Sussex County, 2) it is important that our community has a clear understanding of the impact that this will have on the community as a whole, 3) the Census data affects how federal and state funding is allocated to communities for public health services, education, transportation, etc.

3- Why do you think Census 2010 is important for the Hispanic Community?

Census 2010 is important to the Hispanic community because the data collected will help determine the service needs within our community, this will also have a direct impact on the funds allocated to develop and sustain these programs and services for our community. (educational services, public health related services, etc.)

4- Zaida, please give a recommendation to the members of the Hispanic Community about what to do with the applications of Census 2010?

I strongly encourage everyone to complete the survey…this will benefit our community as a whole. There should not be a fear of their information being exposed to any other agencies. The Census Bureau protects the confidentiality of everyone’s personal responses.

5- Do you want to add anything else?

If anyone has any questions, concerns, or if they need assistance in completing the survey they can contact our offices Monday – Friday between the hours of 9am – 5pm at 302-854-9262.