Is It Good or Bad To Donate Blood?


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Many things have been said about donating blood; for example, that donors gain weight, or that it can cause anemia and malnutrition, etc. But donating blood is not harmful at all, not only because it can save lives but also because it opens up the possibility of maintaining your health at an optimum level and detecting any serious diseases early on.

Blood donation is very healthy, first of all because the donor gives his or her personal information, which is registered in a database. If that same person needs blood and his or hers is available, he or she will receive it.

Several kinds of tests must be performed on each unit of donated blood in order to make sure that it does not carry any type of deadly diseases such as HIV or hepatitis B. Therefore, each unit of blood is carefully studied before it is considered “fit” for donation.

If any of the blood units obtain a positive result in the tests, the donors’ personal information is reviewed and he or she is notified about the test results. This is a law that all blood banks worldwide must follow.

Recovering What You Have Lost

When people donate blood, they have the opportunity to recover what they have lost. Thus, within a few hours, they will have a bunch of new, healthy blood cells. They can recover nutrients that are transported in the blood, avoiding excess salts, sugars and fats, as well.

Donating blood does not make you gain weight. On the contrary, it controls it, for the reasons mentioned above.

It is not recommended to donate blood in places that are not marked or authorized by a well-known entity.