Markell to Sign Legislation to Improve Health Care for Delaware’s Children


Thursday, August 27 at Nemours Pediatrics People’s Plaza, Suite 300,1400 People’s Plaza, Route 40, Newark, DE 19702.

Gov. Markell will sign House Bill 139 and House Bill 199 into law. HB 139 will allow parents whose income exceeds the current limits for the Children’s Health Insurance Program to purchase coverage for their children by paying a premium that reflects the actual cost to the state of covering those kids. The program has no cost to the state, but will provide an opportunity for many parents with uninsured kids to get their kids insured. HB 199 will require insurance carriers to cover developmental screening for infants and toddlers. This has been recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics, to improve our early detection of developmental problems in small children and allow for more effective treatment.