National Prescription drug take back day

On Saturday, April 30th, state and local law enforcement, in conjunction with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, will sponsor a "Drug Take Back Day."


The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration is sponsoring the event.  Turn in your used or expired medications for safe disposal.  The process is free and anonymous. 
Saturday, April 30th
10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Drop-off sites throughout the area include:
Delaware State Police Troop 4
23652 Shortly Road
Del-Tech Owens Campus
Seashore Highway (Route 18/404)
Lewes Ferry Terminal (DRBA)
43 Cape Henlopen Drive
To find other drop-off sites in the area, please go to National Drug Take Back Drop-Off Locations and click on “Find a collection site near you” and
search by zip code, county or city