Sharing a dream of ‘The Secret Equation’/
 Compartiendo un sueño…La Ecuación Secreta


A dear friend, Mitt Jeffords, shared a dream in an email to us. He wrote: ‘I saw myself standing alone in a large office; and spread out on a table before me was a business problem that was troubling me very greatly because with all of my best efforts, I had not been able to find any solution. I was just standing there scratching my head while my thoughts were filled with much confusion, frustration, uncertainty, and anxiety. I was at my wit’s end having exhausted all of my wisdom, my experience, my knowledge, and my ability in trying to find a solution to this problem. “Impossible” and “failure” were now the only counsels that my thoughts were entertaining me with. I was still looking down at all of these papers that were spread out before me when suddenly there appeared before me a hand holding a piece of paper. I then watched as this hand then laid down this piece of paper right on top of all of my business papers; and then this hand quickly disappeared. I then picked up the piece of paper to examine it, and I saw that all that was written upon it was a formula that said: Xx15=THE SOLUTION.   

After I considered this formula for a moment, I realized that the only way that I was going to solve the problem before me was to figure out how to properly apply this equation to it; and that excited me greatly. But then, after I examined this equation for only a few moments, I realized that I had about as much intelligence to figure out this equation as I did the problem that was before me. This realization then worked only to increase my confusion, anxiety, and frustration. I then found myself to be in some kind of trance, just staring down at this formula, but not really thinking about it, when I suddenly heard a voice speak to me and say, “Be still and watch, and the formula which you do not understand shall be revealed unto you”. So I just continued staring at the formula, as well as all of the papers spread out before me, trying to see just how this formula could be joined together with my problem. I then observed that something was happening on the piece of paper that had the formula written out on it; and as I watched, the old equation dissolved right before my eyes, and a new equation appeared in its place which read: BELIEVE=ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.
This shared dream helps us to see that solutions to the problem we face in life are found in the spiritual realm-in the mind of Christ. When we desire with pure hearts to learn the mysteries of God, these secrets are revealed in Holy Spirit-inspired dreams, visions, clues, disguised as ‘coincidences;’ and, especially in the enlivened Word. The miracle of enlightenment is offered to those with ‘a willing and humble heart,’ those who will not allow darkness have its way. Only then will we be able to see our way to the storehouse of heavenly treasure and once there find the solution in the secret equation.

Mi estimado amigo, Mitt Jeffords, compartió a través de un correo electrónico, su sueño. Escribió: “Me vi parado solo en una gran oficina, esparcido sobre la mesa que se encontraba frente a mí. Un problema de negocios me preocupaba mucho porque a pesar de mi esfuerzo, no había podido hallar la solución. Me encontraba parado rascándome la cabeza mientras mis pensamientos se llenaban de confusión, frustración, incertidumbre, y ansiedad. Finalmente, había agotado mi sabiduría, mi experiencia, mi conocimiento y mi habilidad tratando de encontrar una solución al problema. ‘Es Imposible’ y ‘Es un Fracaso’ eran los únicos consejeros que mis pensamientos entreteiían. Continuaba mirando los papeles esparcidos delante de mí cuando de repente ante mí apareció una mano que sostenía un pedazo de papel. Observé, mientras la mano depositaba el pedazo encima de todos los papeles. La mano desapareció y recogí el papel para examinarlo. Ví que todo lo que contenía era una fórmula: Xx15=LA SOLUCION”
“Después de considerar esta fórmula por un momento comprendí que la única forma de resolver este problema sería emplear la ecuación en el problema que enfrentaba. Al examinarla, me dí cuenta de que tenía tanta inteligencia para ver la solución en esta fórmula como tenia el problema enfrente de mi. Esta realización solo sirvió para aumentar mi confusión, ansiedad, y frustración. Entonces me encontré como en trance mirando la fórmula fijamente pero sin pensar en ella. Súbitamente escuché una voz que dijo: ‘Tranquilo observa que la fórmula que no entiendes te es revelada.’ Continué observándola intensamente al igual que todos los papeles esparcidos, tratando de ver cómo aplicar la formula al problema. Entonces observé que la vieja fórmula se disolvió y una nueva ecuación aparecía en su lugar: “CREED, TODO ES POSIBLE.”
Este sueño de mi amigo, sirve para ver que la solución a los problemas de la vida se encuentra en el reino espiritual, en la mente de Cristo. Cuando uno desea con pureza de corazón aprender los misterios de Dios, estos secretos son revelados en sueños, visiones, pistas disfrazadas como ‘coincidencias’ y especialmente en la Palabra avivada por el Espíritu Santo. El milagro de aclaración se ofrece a todos aquéllos que tienen ‘un Corazón dispuesto y humilde,’ a aquéllos que no permiten que la oscuridad reine en su vida. Solo así se puede ver el camino hacia el almacén de tesoros celestiales; y una vez ahí, ver la solución en la ecuación secreta.

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Zulma is a facilitator with an intuitive ability to work with people from diverse ages, social and cultural backgrounds. Since 2010, she’s been sharing insights in her column Spiritual Storehouse.