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New programs offered by NAMI


HOY en Delaware: What programs are offered by NAMI Delaware to the Hispanic Community at this time?

Roni Baltazar: NAMI offers various programs of support and education for people who are living with a serious mental health condition like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), panic disorder, schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

NAMI Delaware currently offers the following education and support programs (in English): Hope for Recovery, Family-to-Family, NAMI Basics, Family Support Groups, NAMI Connections, and Support Groups. NAMI Delaware also provides housing for individuals diagnosed with a severe mental illness. An application process is required.

As for Hispanic/Spanish-speaking-individuals, NAMI Delaware will soon be offering Compartiendo Esperanza, a 90 minute presentation about mental health, its effects, and coping strategies for self-care and care for loved ones. We will also be offering periodic support groups for family members and individuals so that those living with a mental illness may freely speak with others without the fear of criticism. In addition, NAMI Housing is available to any individual diagnosed with a mental illness regardless of age, sex, race, or nationality once the application process is complete and requirements have been met.

HOY: Where can they call/go/email to get more information or help?

RB: NAMI Delaware’s headquarters is located at 2400 West 4th St. Wilmington, DE 19805. However, due to NAMI Delaware’s commitment to all Delawareans, we have expanded our services to a satellite office located at Grace United Methodist Church, 7 South King St., Georgetown Delaware 19947. The Sussex County office is primarily responsible for the Spanish speaking population under Rony Baltazar but welcomes all who are in need of support and assistance.

Additional Resources are available statewide by phone and online

For individuals seeking resources or support (in both English and Spanish) in Sussex County, contact the Spanish HelpLine at (302) 415-4356.

For individuals seeking resources or support (in English), contact the National HelpLine at (888) 427-2643 or NAMI Delaware’s HelpLine at (302) 427-0787.

Online, visit our website at, find us on Facebook @NAMIDelaware, or on Twitter and Instagram @NAMIDelaware.

NAMI Delaware is in the process of creating Spanish social media sites.