Young bilingual author to present his latest book at the Frankford Public Library


Máximo César Castellanos will present his latest book titled The Haunted Swamp at the Frankford Public Library in Frankford, Delaware on Saturday, November 2 at 11:00 am. The event is free to attend and open to the public. The Haunted Swamp is the sixth book written, translated and illustrated by Máximo. The young bilingual author will read a chapter of his book in Spanish and in English, answer questions in Spanish and English and sign copies of his books.

Máximo César Castellanos was born in Delaware. At the age of 3 years, Máximo started creating stories through drawings. At the age of 4 years, Máximo discovered comics. Once Máximo learned to read and write, he began writing chapter books. Máximo is now 11 years old and he is bilingual in Spanish and English. Máximo likes to read stories, invent stories, write stories, and create illustrations and comics. Máximo is a fifth-grade student at Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic School in Berlin, Maryland.

In the previous adventure, Lewis, Ted, Zach, Will and Jeff destroyed the rose of the monster, but not all the monsters were destroyed. During this adventure, strange and mysterious monsters come out of a swamp that formed around a church after a storm. Van and Sibax will make discoveries, will meet new friends, and travel through space and time. They will try to change events from the past and defeat the strange and mysterious monsters from The Haunted Swamp.
If you are not able to attend the event, The Haunted Swamp is available for sale in English for $ 10.00 on Amazon and the Spanish Edition of the book El Pantano Embrujado is available for sale for $ 10.00 on Amazon.