Home Noticias Locales Thirteenth Annual Holiday Model Train Display

Thirteenth Annual Holiday Model Train Display


Source: Georgetown Public Library

Free at Georgetown Public Library

Georgetown November 2024 – It’s that time of year! Members of the Delaware Seaside Railroad Club (DSRC) will pull out their prize model trains and bring them to the Georgetown Public Library for all to see! The exhibit is free and runs from 10:00 am – 1:45 pm on Saturdays: November 30, December 7, December 14, and December 21. All are welcome, and you do not need to register.

“Last year we had our highest attendance ever at the library to see the model trains,” said Rachel Culver, Director. “We are excited to top that this year!”

There will be concurrent children’s activities during the event, such as Starbucks and Storytime on December 7th and Pictures with Santa on December 14th.

Club spokesman Frank Parrino shared that this year’s display will include “our ever popular, large O-scale train layout with newly revised operating dioramas and 3 tracks of railroading fun. The Polar Express and Thomas the Tank Engine are returning again this holiday season. Children can enjoy playing with wooden Brio trains and operating Thomas on the Island of Sodor.”

The Delaware SeaSide Railroad Club consists of over 60 members. The Club House is located north of Selbyville on Route 113. Their website is   www.delawareseasiderailroadclub.com and they encourage donations of old trains, as they are a 501 c 3 Non-Profit Corporation.

Come enjoy the trains at the Georgetown Public Library! It’s a fun time for all ages!