Home GO Green! Closures and delays for January 9th and 10th

Closures and delays for January 9th and 10th

Snowy Sussex County, DE (Foto HOY en Delaware)
Snowy Sussex County, DE (Foto HOY en Delaware)

Jan 9. 10:00pm Update:

CAPE HENLOPEN SCHOOL DISTRICT: Cape Henlopen School District will be closed on Friday, January 10. The District will continue with an asynchronous learning model for students. 12-month staff should report on a two-hour delay schedule.

Due to the continued poor road conditions in many areas of our district, the Cape Henlopen School District will be closed again tomorrow, Thursday January 9th for students and staff. We will continue remote learning asynchronously with assignments posted for our students. 

CAESAR RODNEY SCHOOL DISTRICT: Caesar Rodney School District will have another virtual school day on Thursday, January 9th. Building principals will send an all-call to families with expectations for the day. Staff will have the option to report to their buildings after 10:00 a.m. or work remotely.

CAPITAL SCHOOL DISTRICT: All Capital School District schools will continue asynchronous learning tomorrow, Friday, January 10th.

INDIAN RIVER SCHOOL DISTRICT: Due to inclement weather, all Indian River School District schools will be closed on Friday, January 10. Twelve-month employees, with the exception of those working under a teacher contract, should report two hours late.

Due to inclement weather, all Indian River School District schools will be closed on Thursday, January 9. Twelve-month employees, with the exception of those working under a teacher contract, should report two hours late.

LAKE FOREST SCHOOL DISTRICT: All Lake Forest Schools will be closed for students Friday, January 10th 2025, due to inclement weather. Offices will be open 2 hours later than normal for business. 

All Lake Forest Schools will be closed for students Thurs, Jan 9, 2025. Offices will open 2 hours late.

SMYRNA SCHOOL DISTRICT: Smyrna School District will open two hours late tomorrow, Friday, January 10th, 2025. There will be no AM Pre-K and no Boys and Girls Club before-school care at the Smyrna School District Buildings.

SUSSEX TECHNICAL SCHOOL DISTRICT: On Thursday January 9th Sussex Technical High School will be operating on a Remote Day Schedule. Students should access material and Zoom links on Schoology. 
12 Month Employees should report at 10:00 AM or use liberal leave.  Custodial and Maintenance contact your supervisor for instructions. 

SUSSEX COUNTY GOVERNMENT OFFICES: Sussex County government offices will be DELAYED in opening on Friday, Jan. 10, 2025, opening at 10 a.m., due to continued icy and snow-covered road and surface conditions.

Due to continued icy road and surface conditions, Sussex County gov’t offices will open on delay, at 10 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 9, 2025