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 Mayor Carney Announces City Leadership Team

New Wilmington Major (and former Gov) John Carney
New Wilmington Major (and former Gov) John Carney

Administration department and office directors are officially appointed

Wilmington Mayor John Carney today (Jan. 10) announced the appointed members of the City’s departmental and office leadership team that will help guide policy decisions and the delivery of City programs and services during the new Carney Administration. 

“Serving the public is a highly rewarding and yet very demanding job,” said Mayor Carney.

“As Mayor, I look forward to having the opportunity to work more closely with constituents. I am excited to be able to rely on an experienced and talented group of individuals to help me manage and improve City government. Some of the names of our team may sound familiar because they served the previous Administration well and I am very pleased that they have agreed to stay on.”
The newly appointed or re-appointed City Department Directors/Commissioners include: Wilfredo Campos, Chief, Police Department; John Looney, Chief, Fire Department; Tina Betz, Director, Office of Cultural Affairs; Gabe Pabon, Commissioner, Department of Licenses and Inspections; Robert Goff, City Solicitor, Law Department; Brett Taylor, Director, Department of Finance; Kelly Williams, Commissioner, Department of Public Works; Elliott Larkin, Acting Director, Department of Land Use and Planning; Sean Park, Director, Office of Economic Development; Charlotte Barnes, Director, Department of Human Resources; Melody Phillips, Acting Director, Department of Parks and Recreation; Bob Weir, Director, Department of Real Estate and Housing and Terence Williams as City Auditor, Audit Department.