Home Gobierno O’Mara for Governor Rolls Out Plan to Reform Delaware Politics

O’Mara for Governor Rolls Out Plan to Reform Delaware Politics

Collin O'Mara
Collin O'Mara (Foto Courtesy Collin O'Mara).

Plan to clean up Delaware includes campaign finance, anti-corruption reforms

Source: Collin O’Mara’s campaign office

BEAR, DE — Today, Collin O’Mara’s campaign for Delaware governor released a 13-point plan to reform the state’s politics and campaign finance system. O’Mara is the first candidate in this Gubernatorial race to roll out a real solution to the broken system of campaign finance and the pay-to-play culture in Delaware politics.“For years, Delawareans have raised concerns about a perceived pay-to-play culture that too often places special interests over the public good,” said O’Mara, the former Delaware Secretary of Natural Resources and Environmental Control and current CEO of the National Wildlife Federation. “Restoring trust in government starts with getting the money out and letting the sunshine in. We must clean up our own house.”

O’Mara’s “Plan to Clean Up Delaware” would:

End the pay-to-play culture

  • Ban corporate and LLC contributions.
  • Ban contributions from entities with business before the government.
  • Level the playing field for regular people.
  • Reform Public Action Committees.
  • End the revolving door.

Increase Transparency

  • Require mandatory review of all reports.
  • Require full disclosure of identifying information on all contributions.
  • Modernize the campaign finance database for public access.
  • Move to quarterly reports.

Increase Oversight & Accountability

  • Create an Office of Inspector General.
  • Eliminate abuses that obfuscate public disclosure.
  • Increase fines and penalties for non-compliance.
  • Establish confidential reporting channels.

O’Mara’s full plan can be viewed here.

Collin O’Mara is a Democratic candidate for governor of Delaware. He serves as President & CEO of the National Wildlife Federation*, one of America’s largest environmental organizations. He played a critical role in the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, and the Great American Outdoors Act. He founded and serves as co-chair of the Mid- Atlantic Clean Hydrogen Hub, one of seven awarded by the Biden Administration. Collin previously served as Delaware’s Secretary of Natural Resources and Environmental Control under Governor Markell. He lives in Bear with his wife, Krish O’Mara Vignarajah where they are raising their daughters.

*References to the National Wildlife Federation are for identification purposes only.