Holiday gift idea


The holidays are soon approaching and stores are filled with all kinds of gift ideas. But for a gardener there is nothing better received then a gardening related gift. I have a big wish list of great garden gifts that may help you select a present for your plant and wildlife lover too. The following list offers just a few suggestions:

A gift certificate from a local garden center or your favorite gardening supply catalog.

A gift certificate for a massage at a local spa for those aches and pains after a day in the garden.

A gift certificate for a hand massage and manicure.

A gift certificate for a facial at a local spa to help erase the damage the sun and dirt has done to the skin.

Gift tickets to an upcoming Flower show.

A gift certificate for a soil sample analysis (only $10.00) from your local County Extension Office.

A homemade gift certificate to weed, help plant and/or clean-up a garden area, etc. in 2010. Just be sure to do it.

A lawn chair to enjoy the flowers, trees and/or wildlife living in the landscape and backyard.

A bird feeder and bag of bird food or just a bag of bird seed.

A cook book on preparing vegetables, small fruits, herbs, or edible flowers, etc. for the family meals or a special occasion.

A seed starting kit and some seeds for the 2010 gardening season.

Any book about identifying birds, wildlife, bees, or beneficial insects; starting, growing, maintaining annuals, perennials, or native plants; starting a vegetable garden; learning more about medicinal plants, herbs, houseplants, composting, water gardening, and so on.

A compost bin (only $10.00) available at your local County extension Office.

A magazine gift certificate or subscription; if your gift recipient is into vegetable gardening ,consider Organic Gardening; herbs consider the Herb Companion; assorted gardening, try Birds and Bloom, Fine Gardening, Horticulture, Garden Railways, The American Gardener, Country Gardens, or Hobby Farm among others.

A small chicken coop and gift certificate for some chicks when spring arrives. To learn more about chicken coops or a backyard flock, contact Delaware State University’s Small Flock Specialist, Dr. Brigid McCrea at 302-857- 6432, or email

So if you haven‘t found that perfect holiday gift in your local shopping center, why not consider one of these gift ideas this year for your gardening enthusiast.

Happy holidays readers.